Welcome ! My name is Rachael Moreland, I am from Vancouver Canada. I grew up in Surrey but attended school at LaSalle College in Vancouver, where I received my Photography Diploma.
Growing up in B.C. all my life is honestly why I feel so passionately about the environment & nature alike. They call it Beautiful British Columbia for a reason! We have oceans, beaches, lakes, meadows, mountains, a big city... From sea to sky we have it all which means the photography options are endless. I plan to continue my travels and experience this great big world, but having almost everything at my finger tips in B.C is something I'm truly grateful for. It allows me to shoot in snowy mountain peaks to a dry desert & everything in between!
A little on my photography,
Dogs mean the world to me, animals in general, but dogs are pretty much the best thing in the entire world! I am very passionate about pet portraits & photography because of this. I haven't met a dog I didn't like and being able to capture a pet's personality and give that to someone to hold onto is a really precious and special thing. Pets don't live as long as we do and they are as much our family as the rest of our family members, sometimes they're all we have. I have a Border Collie named Bandit (who you'll probably have seen by now) . I used my first camera, a Canon, every day to photograph him, I think he's grown to love posing for me. This was what really got me into photography. Slowly, I started taking photos of other people’s dogs and pets & taking whatever chance I could get to photograph animals. Taking photos of Bandit is where my photography career began, and only expanded from there!
In addition to animals, I really just love all things nature, I love going for hikes in the mountains or in big open fields & taking landscapes of the early morning fog rolling through the trees, and cool mist coming off the waterfall or a valley below because nature is where I am myself, where I can unwind, relax, be adventurous. Nature always knows how to bring me back down. I have learned to incorporate people into these nature landscapes, to become more versatile. I often go on hikes and shoot landscape & nature shots the whole time, then pose a model/friend and take some landscape portraits. That is my biggest passion... Being able to travel and explore nature and capture its absolute beauty all over the world.
Lastly, but not least I love to shoot live events/ concerts/ sports and I think it would be such a rush getting to shoot concerts of huge artists & up and comers as I am really passionate about music. I have been from a very young age thanks to my dad who used to put me to sleep singing Johnny Cash, there’s no genre I don’t like.
Hockey is something I’m extremely passionate about, maybe being a Canadian it’s in my blood, who knows, but I used to bring my camera to Canucks games and shoot during the warmups. I love any opportunity to capture the fast action of a hockey game.
This may be a broad list of photography, but I can assure you that I am passionate about all aspects of photography & whether I'm covering your Birthday celebration, taking newborn portraits or doing a family photoshoot with the dogs, I will put all that I have learned over the years & my passion into your photos & I will not disappoint you. My goal is to leave you with something that will last you a lifetime, fill you up with nostalgia & memories of the good times with loved ones, including the ones with paws...
Yours Truly, Rachael.